New Book about Project Risk Management

End of February I published the updated version of my book: “Risikomanagement für Projekte (Kompakt-Wissen)” as an English edition. This Amazon Kindle E-Book can be found here:

If you would like to read the book for free (PDF) and write an Amazon Review please contact me on:

From the Book Description:

Book-CoverProjects fail because of risks that are discovered too late, are ignored or simply are not sought. This statement seems trivial at first glance, but it is not so obvious for many stakeholders. With effective risk management, you keep your project under control and eliminate 90% of all project problems before they occur.

This book describes the most important methods and tools how to successfully apply risk management in projects in a practical and easy-to-use way. You will receive hands-on instructions and tips that you can immediately implement in your project. The terminology described herein follows the generally accepted PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition (2013). With this knowledge, you can make your projects even more successful and protect your project life from many problems.

In this book, you will learn how to implemented risk management in projects. You will receive hands-on instructions and tips on how you make your project even more successful.

  • Why Risk Management?
  • The Risk Management Process
  • Step 1: Risk Management Planning
  • Step 2: Risk Identification
  • Step 3: Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Analysis
  • Step 4: Risk Response Planning
  • Step 5: Risk Monitoring and Control
  • Step 6: Risk Communication and Documentation

An essential book for project managers who want to keep their projects under control. This book about project risk management should be on the desk of each project manager.

Posted in Risikomanagement.

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